Zoom on our selection of healthy fruits and vegetables 

With only 70 kcals for 2 fruits, the clementine is a flagship food of the season! Its various properties make it an excellent fruit for health. The flavonoids, limonoids and carotenoids it contains are compounds whose antioxidant power has been recognized. The clementine thus makes it possible to protect oneself from diseases such as certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases or degenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson's). Carotenoids are also essential for the production of vitamin A, because the body transforms them into this vitamin according to its needs. Clementine also provides an important source of vitamin C, which is known for its relaxing and de-stressing effect, and which helps stimulate our immune system.


A pomegranate, a fruit with a tangy taste, is equivalent to about 128 kcal. Its juice contains a significant amount of antioxidants that are beneficial in the prevention of many diseases, including prostate cancer. It protects against atherosclerosis (= deposition of fat on the arterial wall) and cardiovascular diseases since it increases the antioxidant activity of the blood.

Pomegranate also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties, ideal to help the body fight, especially when temperatures begin to drop, against the little aches and pains of winter.

The Jerusalem artichoke is a root vegetable also called Canadian truffle. Low in calories with only 72 kcal per 100 g, it has interesting health properties. The Jerusalem artichoke contributes to intestinal health, especially thanks to its content of fructans, carbohydrates that contain inulin, a mixture of polysaccharides. These fructans help relieve constipation and have the advantage of balancing the intestinal flora.

Finally, the inulin contained in the Jerusalem artichoke facilitates the absorption of calcium and magnesium, essential minerals for the prevention of osteoporosis. Tip: if you do not know how to cook it, know that it can be eaten raw, grated on a salad for example, or cooked, in the oven, sautéed in a wok or in soup.

Leek is a vegetable of the lily family, which also includes onion and garlic. Very low in calories with about 60 kcal per 100 g, leeks are a healthy ally that will blend perfectly into your soups. It contains an antioxidant from the flavonoid family, kaempferol, which protects against free radical damage and gives leeks anti-cancerous properties. Finally, leeks have the advantage of being an important source of vitamins and nutrients. It contains vitamins A, B6 and B9, C, as well as copper and iron.


The kiwi is undoubtedly one of the most consumed fruits in autumn and winter.  One kiwi (90 g) represents only 56 kcal, but above all 2.7 g of fiber, which is a very important amount. Fiber not only helps intestinal transit, but also regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels. A kiwi also provides 70 mg of vitamin C, knowing that the recommended daily intake is around 90 mg for a man and 75 mg for a woman in Canada, and around 110 mg for an adult in France. Tip: consume two kiwis per day, in the morning, to fill up with vitamin C and to enjoy its benefits throughout the winter!

The pineapple belongs to the family of bromeliads. Rich in fibres (cellulose), it facilitates intestinal transit and helps to fight against chronic constipation. It also contains polyphenols which, associated with vitamin C and beta-carotene, have recognized antioxidant properties and make it possible to fight against various chronic diseases. 

Slimming virtues are also lent to it because of its bromelain content which does not destroy fat but limits its absorption by the body.

The carrot

Carrots (raw, cooked or in juice) contain carotenoids including beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. They have antioxidant properties capable of neutralizing the body's free radicals and allow the body to better fight certain diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and certain diseases related to aging, including cataracts. 
In addition, carotenoids can be converted into vitamin A by the body if the body needs it. Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of mucous membranes, normal skin and vision, and iron metabolism.


The pear contains phenols with antioxidant power. These substances, mainly present in foods of plant origin, can prevent several diseases, including certain types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Containing fiber, it also contributes to good digestion. Rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, it strengthens the body's immune system. 

To preserve all its benefits, it is better to buy it organic and consume it with your skin. 


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